Our Vision

"We bring pioneering ideas for the use of drones and robots to life!"
PSNC Aerospace Lab is a modern, digital, and user-friendly airport space with unique human potential and cutting-edge technologies. It offers the capability to create and test intelligent, autonomous drone and robotic services in its laboratories today, tailored to meet your social and business needs.
Robotics Academy and Droniada
„By 2040, increasing numbers of aerial vehicles (conventional aircraft and unmanned aircraft,
such as drones) will be taking to Europe’s skies, operating seamlessly and safely in all environments and classes of airspace.”
– EU SESAR Joint Undertaking
Our modern laboratory facilities.
Aircraft Hangar and R&D Laboratories (PCSS)
As part of the project, a modern space was created, including laboratories and a hangar for testing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), covering a total area
of 1,500 m². The goal of the project is to equip the Kąkolewo aerodrome
with scientific and research infrastructure.

Aerosfera - Aerodrome of Things, Kąkolewo
Aerosfera – Aerodrome of Things is a project supporting the development of new solutions using drones.
A laboratory is being built at Kąkolewo Aerodrome, focusing on conducting research and development work in the field of drone applications.

The TAPAS project particularly focused on researching conflict detection and resolution (CDR) in the tactical phase, air traffic flow management (ATFCM) in the pre-tactical phase, and dynamic airspace configuration.

GOF 2.0
Safe implementation of unmanned traffic management and other commercial drone operations in urban airspace (ATM) without compromising safety or disrupting ongoing operations in the airspace.

The project's aim was to develop recognized European procedures for the operation of remotely piloted aircraft in non-segregated airspace, facilitating the cooperation of civil and military aircraft of this kind with air traffic management systems in Europe and beyond.
How to reach us?
Laboratorium Aerosfera Lotnisko Rzeczy – realizuje prace badawczo-rozwojowe w zakresie zastosowań bezzałogowych statków powietrznych, systemów autonomicznych i kontroli lotów. Odwiedź nas i sprawdź, co mamy do zaoferowania!
Lotnisko EPPG-Aeroklub Poznański
Lotnicza Street 7
62-065 Kąkolewo, Poland